Matematik och samhälle |
MVE370 |
F3 TM3 |
LP 2–4 |
Algebra |
MVE150 |
TM3 |
LP 3 |
Antenna engineering |
SSY100 |
Master course |
LP 4 |
Biokemi och molekylärbiologi |
KBB032 |
TM3 |
LP 1 |
Databases |
TDA357 |
TM3 |
LP 3 |
Elektromagnetisk fältteori |
EEF031 |
F2 TM2 |
LP |
Elkraftteknik |
EEK141 |
F3 |
LP 2 |
Finit elementmetod (FEM) |
MHA021 |
F3 |
LP 3 |
Fourieranalys |
MVE030 |
F2 TM2 |
LP 3 |
Functional Analysis |
TMA401 |
Master course |
LP 1 |
Hållfasthetslära |
MHA081 |
F2 |
LP |
Högfrekvensteknik |
EEM021 |
F3 |
LP 2 |
Industriell ekonomi och organisation |
TEK720 |
F3 |
LP 2 |
Integration theory |
TMV100 |
Master course |
LP 1 |
Introduktion till data science och AI |
DAT565 |
TM3 |
LP 1 |
Introduktion till medicinteknik |
EEN071 |
TM2 |
LP 4 |
Juridisk introduktionskurs |
SJO955 |
F3 |
LP 2 |
Kommunikationssystem |
SSY305 |
TM3 |
LP 3 |
Quantum Engineering |
FKA132 |
Master course |
LP 1 |
Learning from data |
TIF285 |
Master course |
LP 1 |
Linjär och heltalsoptimering med tillämpningar |
MVE166 |
TM2 |
LP 4 |
Matematisk orientering |
MVE235 |
TM1 |
LP 4 |
Matematisk programvara |
MVE230 |
LP |
Miljöfysik |
TIF076 |
F3 |
LP 4 |
Modellbyggnad och simuleringsmetodik |
ITR573 |
F3 |
LP 2 |
Modern astrofysik |
RRY125 |
F3 |
LP |
Objektorienterad programvaruutveckling, fortsättning |
TDA550 |
F3 TM3 |
LP |
Olinjär optimering |
TMA947 |
TM3 |
LP 1 |
Optik |
FFY091 |
F2 |
LP 4 |
Ordinära differentialekvationer och matematisk modellering |
MVE162 |
TM2 |
LP 4 |
Partial differential equations 2 |
TMA026 |
Master course |
LP 4 |
Partiella differentialekvationer, grundkurs |
TMA373 |
LP |
Plasma physics with applications |
RRY085 |
Master course |
LP 1 |
Principer för parallell programmering |
TDA384 |
TM3 |
LP 3 |
Produktionsutveckling |
TEK685 |
F3 |
LP 2 |
Reglerteknik E |
SSY051 |
TM3 |
LP 1 |
Remote sensing |
RRY055 |
Master course |
LP 3 |
Foundations of Probability Theory |
MVE140 |
Master course |
LP 2 |
Statistisk databehandling |
TMS150 |
TM2 |
LP 1 |
Stochastic calculus |
TMS165 |
Master course |
LP 1 |
Strömningsmekanik |
MTF053 |
TM3 |
LP 1 |
Teknikhistoria |
CTE032 |
TM2 |
LP 3 |
Termisk energiomvandling |
SEE020 |
F3 |
LP 2 |
Termodynamik |
KVM091 |
LP |
Transportprocesser |
KBT340 |
F3 |
LP 2 |
Artificial Neural Networks |
FFR135 |
Master course |
LP 1 |
Basic Stochastic Processes |
MVE170 |
LP |
Computational physics |
FKA121 |
Master course |
LP 2 |
Condensed matter physics |
FKA091 |
Master course |
LP 2 |
Electromagnetic waves and components |
RRY036 |
Master course |
LP 1 |
Gravitation and cosmology |
FFM071 |
Master course |
LP 3 |
Image processing |
RRY025 |
Master course |
LP 1 |
Information theory for complex systems |
TIF150 |
Master course |
LP 3 |
Modern astrophysics |
RRY125 |
Master course |
LP 2 |
Modern imaging, spectroscopy and diffraction techniques |
TIF030 |
Master course |
LP 1 |
Quantum mechanics |
FKA081 |
Master course |
LP 1 |
Radar systems and applications |
RRY080 |
Master course |
LP 4 |
Soft matter physics |
TIF015 |
Master course |
LP 1 |
Statistical inference |
MVE155 |
Master course |
LP 3 |
Stochastic optimization algorithms |
FFR105 |
Master course |
LP 1 |
Superconductivity and low-temperature physics |
FMI036 |
Master course |
LP 3 |
Wireless and photonics system engineering |
SSY085 |
Master course |
LP 1 |