Cozy Fridays Nr. 2

The Physics Division cooperates with the programmes by having digital seminars and afterwars a digital event during Fridays in study period 2.
This Friday, 20/11, the lineup is as follows,

15:15-16:00 | Göran Johansson

Görans is professor and chief of the deparment of applied quantum physics on MC2. Göran is also one of the scientists behind the billion investment of building a quantom computer containing 100 quantum bits at Chalmers.

16:15-17:00 | Niklas Nyberg

Niklas works at Volvo Cars trying to produce competetive solutions on how customers interact with their car. After graduation Nilkas had a trainee service and has also worked on self-driving cars. Niklas has a seat in the programme board for the bachelor programme Engineering Physics as an industry representative.

The seminars are available by the following Zoom link (requires a login) and will be held in Swedish.

18:00-Later| Gamenight with Gameboy

Afterwards, Gameboy will hold a gamenight with different games to play online together, see their Facebook post.

Warm welcome to both of the arrangements!