Spidera is the web group of the Physics Division. We’re responsible for the division’s servers, which provides storage space, email addresses and other things to the division’s committees. We are also responsible for the technical maintenance and development of the Physics Division’s webpage ftek.se (the editorial responsibility lies with the board).
If you find something that is broken, or if you have technical questions, feel free to start a new ticket on our support page.
You can find all of the current members of Spidera on the Swedish version of this page.
Wilmer “Z” Zetterqvist
Nätmästaren agerar som ordförande och har övergripande koll på Spideras arbete.
Joel “kg m² s⁻²” Ekeberg
Felix Dahlin
Alfons Nilsson
Jakob Fredby
Som informationsansvarig i styret tar jag hand om sektionens informationsflöden; sociala medier, bröd och ftek.se. Jag har även ansvar för sektionens vecka.