The Student Division Meeting, or Sektionsmötet is the general assembly and highest decision-making body of the Division. All major decisions concerning the Student Division and its activities are taken here. It is the right of every Division member to participate and speak in the Meeting, which normally occurs once every study period (usually in reading week 6). Free food is also served.
We conduct business in Swedish. If you do not speak Swedish, but wish to participate, we please ask you to contact the Presidium at least a week in advance, so that we may arrange a translator for you.
If you have ideas concerning the Student Division and its work, the Meeting is a great place to suggest them. We recommend you contact the Board so that they may consider it and, if they approve, table a bill. You are also free to table a members’ motion, but consider discussing with the Board anyway. Any motions must be received no later than six reading days before the meeting.
Please send any enquiries about the meeting to the Presidium.