About the Student Division


About the Student Division

The Physics Student Division is a non-profit organization with the vision that all members should flourish during their time at F and TM. All students at the programmes are members of the Student Division which is run without profit by our members.


The Physics Student Division was founded in 1958. Two years earlier had the programme Engineering Physics started at Chalmers, the second of its kind in Sweden. In the beginning, the Student Division consisted of a board with a President, a treasurer, a secretary and a Sexmästare responsible for the gasques (parties).  A Student Educational Committee, SNF, was also started to take care of the contact with the university and to make sure that the educational quality was high.

After a few years a department called Veckobladeriet was started, to administrate notes from lectures. The students had so many lectures every week that they couldn’t attend all. Therefore some student took notes to share them with others. The system with the notes is still alive, but now digitally on the webpage.